jueves, noviembre 09, 2006

Conceptos básicos de política americana

Pensaba enlazar el título de este artículo con el artículo correspondiente del blog de Mike Johnston, The Online Photographer. Pero parece que lo ha eliminado. Lo único que puedo hacer aquí es transcribir la copia que existe en el caché de Google Reader. Explica por qué el Partido Republicano tiene más fácil el ganar unas elecciones en EE.UU. Y lo hace de forma sencilla y comprensible, salvo algunas cuestiones que son muy propias de la sociología o de la organización social del imperio. Transcribo aquellos párrafos que me han parecido más significativos (en inglés, lo siento; pero estoy vago para traducirlo), desde el punto de vista, sorprendentemente parecido, de lo que sucede o puede suceder en este país. El que avisa, no es traidor.

  • "Their base is more fanatical and uncompromising, and thus more motivated.
  • They're more heavily represented amongst older, retired, and prosperous people who have more time for voting, organize their days more efficiently, and aren't intimidated by forms, laws, and ID requirements.
  • Their activists officially and unofficially discourage participation in the process by the poor, minorities, recent legal immigrants, and other groups that tend to lean Democratic. Notoriously, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and State Attorney General Kathleen Harris conspired in 2000 to flag as many as 65,000 legal black voters in economically disadvantaged areas as ex-cons—inaccurately—thus disenfranchising them.
  • ..........
  • They have more money. Republicans out-spent Democrats in this election, for example, by more than a hundred million dollars—and that it was even that close was due to concerted grassroots fundraising by Democratic sympathizers on the internet.
  • They're more willing (lately, anyway) to practice, and benefit from, demagoguery and negative campaigning. It's not for nothing that "swift-boating" has become a synonym for slander, and there is no Democratic equivalent of Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter.
  • Powerful special interests are sympathetic to them and work for them behind the scenes."
En fin, que cualquier parecido con lo que ha pasado en ocasiones o pueda pasar en un futuro en este país, no es mera coincidencia.

Sobrevolando la plaza de Callao, Madrid

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